Learn how to use Python for data science from Edvancer.
Julia Normally, data geeks use one programming language (like R, Python, etc.) to prototype a predictive model and another programming language (like C, C++) to make the model faster. You need to learn two or three programming languages, write a significant amount of code and switch between different code editors and source files to deploy a working predictive model. This is a cumbersome task, and takes more time than any data scientist can afford to waste. In Julia, you can write code with the performance of C so that you don’t have to rewrite its code in a low-level language (like C, C++). Julia’s only drawback at this point is a dearth of libraries – but Julia makes it easy to interface with existing C libraries. I encourage you to download Julia and use it, it has an active and supportive community. Hadoop Hadoop platform was designed to solve problems where you have a lot of complex data sets that doesn’t fit into a traditional relational database. Hadoop is a distributed file system (HDFS) — with multiple nodes/servers– that helps businesses store unstructured data in vast volumes, at speed and on commodity hardware, at a very low cost. HDFS uses a programming model called Map Reduce to access and analyze the data in it. Map reduce process all the data on all the nodes.Get a globally recognized certificate in Hadoop from Edvancer and Wiley.
Apache Spark Spark, the open-source cluster computing framework, is best known for its ability to keep large working data sets in memory between jobs. This capability allows Spark to outperform the equivalent MapReduce workflow, where datasets are always loaded from a disk. It also provides a rich set of APIs to perform common data analysis tasks, such as Joins, which makes it easier to learn and program when compared to MapReduce. Spark provides APIs in three languages: Scala, Java, and Python. SQL SQL (structured query language) is used to query and edit information stored in a relational database. A relational database is used to store structured data. As a data scientist, you should write code in SQL or something similar (Hive) to pull the data into R, Python or whatever tool you use to analyze data. SQL is a pretty simple language, and I would recommend the course by Bucky Roberts to learn the basics of SQL. D3.JS Data visualization is the idea of conveying a story as visually as possible. Data scientists use data visualization to explore patterns in the data and to ultimately convey the results to stakeholders. D3.js is a javascript library for producing dynamic and interactive data visualizations in web browsers. But it is not a graphics or a data processing library, it doesn’t have inbuilt charts that limit creativity. Instead, it has functionalities that make the connection between data and graphics easy. D3.Js works seamlessly with front-end web technologies like HTML, CSS, and SVG. Great documentation, examples, community and the accessibility to Mike Bostock (Key developer of D3.Js) have all played major roles in increasing the popularity of D3.js. Octave GNU Octave is an open source programming language used to perform complex numerical computations such as linear and nonlinear problems. Octave is quite similar to Matlab and is often considered as the free alternative to Matlab. Octave also provides extensive graphical capabilities to visualize and manipulate data. It is normally used through its command line interface. A good way to learn Octave is through Coursera’s Machine Learning course. Weka Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is an open source data mining software written in Java. It has a GUI that lets you execute your machine learning projects without writing a single line of code. I encourage you to download and experiment with Weka. You might have to install Java before installing Weka.