Top 50+ Tableau Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

tableau interview question

Tableau is one of the most widely used data visualization tools all around the world. Due to its advanced features and user-friendly interface, over 63,000 companies are already using Tableau and more of them are adopting it every day. This is the reason behind the constantly increasing demand for Tableau professionals in today’s organizations. As data analytics has become a great career option in the 21st century, more and more people are looking for a job in this field.

If you want to build a career in the field of data analytics, Tableau is one of the most important skills to learn. Many companies even hire Tableau professionals separately. If this is your dream job, you can start preparing today by enrolling in a Tableau course. However, you will also need to make some extra effort to crack the interview for a Tableau job. You can find some most important Tableau interview questions further in this blog.

Tableau Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are some of the top Tableau interview questions for freshers:

1. What are the best features of Tableau?
Ans. Tableau is one of the most widely used data visualization tools with a lot of amazing features. Some of its best features include:

  • It provides different types of advanced visualizations like motion graphs, box plots, and many more.
  • Tableau allows users to analyze real-time data.
  • Team members can collaborate and work together on a project with Tableau.
  • Tableau dashboard allows users to present and compare a variety of data simultaneously.

2. Explain Measures and Dimensions in Tableau.
Ans. The data that is present in measurable quantities or numeric metrics comes under Measures in Tableau. These numerical data remain stored in tables and have unique foreign keys referring to the associated dimensions. Dimensions, on the other hand, are descriptive data points stored in the dimension tables.

3. What is the importance of data servers in Tableau?
Ans. Data servers majorly have two roles to play in Tableau. The first is that it allows users to keep their data (including past calculations, definitions, and datasets) in sync with the server so that it is accessible anytime and anywhere. Second, it allows you to download your data to local machines and run visualization using that.

4. Name different types of joins in Tableau.
Ans. These are the four types of joins available in Tableau:

  • Right Join, where the resultant table has all the values from the right table and corresponding matches in the left table.
  • Left Join, where the resultant table has all the values from the left table and corresponding matches in the right table.
  • Inner Join, where the resultant table has matches from the right as well as the left table.
  • Full Outer Join, where the resultant table has all the values from both tables.

5. What are the shelves in Tableau?
Ans. The named areas that you see on the left and top of the view in Tableau are known as shelves. You can create different views by selecting the field on these shelves. The shelves available in Tableau include the Page Shelf, the Filters Shelf, the Marks Shelf, and the Rows & Columns Shelf.

6. What is the maximum number of tables you can join in Tableau?
Ans. In Tableau, you can join a maximum of 32 tables. Moreover, the table size should be limited to 255 columns (called fields).

7. What type of connections can you make with your dataset?
Ans. You can make two types of connections with your data sets on Tableau:

  • Live: Live connection to the dataset allows better computational processing and storage of the data. In this case, the new queries automatically go to the database and are reflected as the new ones.
  • Extract: The extract connection allows the data engine to use static data. You can refresh this static snapshot of data on a recurring schedule. Tableau Extract is more advantageous than Tableau Live as you can use Extract anywhere and create visualizations without connecting to the database.

8. Define sets and groups.
Ans. Sets can be defined as a subset of the data created on the basis of certain conditions. These sets change with the change in data. A group refers to a combination of dimension members that comprise higher-level categories.

9. Explain a hierarchical field.
Ans. In Tableau, you can use a hierarchical field for drilling down data, i.e. arrange it in a way that the entities are presented at different levels. By doing this, you can view your data at a more comminuted level.

10. Explain different types of filters in Tableau.
Ans. The filters in Tableau are used to restrict unwanted data from the database. The different types of filters available on Tableau are:

  • Quick Filter: You can use the quick filter for viewing the filtering options. It helps you filter every worksheet on a dashboard by dynamically changing the values.
  • Normal Filter: You can use it to filter data from the database on the basis of certain measures or dimensions.
  • Context Filter: You can use it to filter data that has been transferred to a particular worksheet.

11. What is the dual-axis feature on Tableau?
Ans. With the dual-axis feature in Tableau, you can view two scales of two measures on the same graph. Many big companies make use of a dual axis to compare two measures and their respective growth rates over the years.

12. Differentiate between a tree map and a heat map.
Ans. With a heat map, you can compare categories by using different colors and sizes. These maps also allow you to compare two different measures together. With a tree map also, you can compare categories in a similar way. However, a tree map is considered more powerful as it allows you to illustrate hierarchical data.

13. What do you understand by schedules and extracts in the Tableau server?
Ans. Data extracts on Tableau are the first copies of the original data from the data sources. Schedules refer to the scheduled updates made to the extracts once the workbook is published.

14. Explain the difference between joining and blending in Tableau.
Ans. The term ‘Joining’ is used when you combine data from the same source. For example, combining data from Excel worksheets or different tables in the Oracle database. On the other hand, the Blending term is used when you combine two completely different sources of data.

15. What are the different components of Tableau Dashboard?
Ans. The components of the Tableau Dashboard are as follows:

  • Vertical: With the vertical containers, you can group the worksheets vertically (top to bottom) and edit the width of all elements together.
  • Horizontal: With the horizontal layout containers, you can group all the worksheets horizontally (left to right) and edit the heights of all elements together.
  • Image Extract: Tableau uses some codes to extract an image which is later stored in XML (the format of Tableau workbooks).
  • Text: It deals with all the textual fields.
  • Web: A web or a URL Action component of Tableau allows you to add hyperlinks to other sources outside of Tableau.

16. What is a TDE file?
Ans. TDE file is a Tableau Desktop file containing a .tde extension. This file contains data extracted from external sources, such as CSV File, MS Access, or MS Excel. The following two aspects of a TDE design make it ideal for analytics and data discovery:

  • The first is TDE being a columnar store.
  • The second is the way TDE designs are structured. Their structure impacts how they are loaded and used by Tableau.

17. How to automate reports in Tableau?
Ans. While publishing a report to the Tableau server, you will find an option to schedule the reports. You can simply automate them by selecting the time when you want to refresh the data.

18. What do you understand by the story in Tableau?
Ans. You can understand a story as a sheet containing a sequence of dashboards or worksheets that work together to convey some information. By creating stories, you can easily show how facts are connected, demonstrate how decisions affect outcomes, make a compelling case, or provide context.

19. What is a Stacked Bar Chart?
Ans. A stacked bar chart, as the term suggests, is a type of chart with different bar graphs stacked horizontally, i.e. one over another. It simplifies your task by allowing you to view the changes in all the variables simultaneously. By tracking changes in their aggregate values, you can predict future trends.

20. How do you create a calculated field in Tableau?
Ans. You can follow the below-mentioned steps to create a calculated field in Tableau:

  • On the data pane, click on the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the dimensions.
  • Select ‘Create’ and then click on the option ‘Calculated Field.’
  • Give a name to the new field, create a formula, and you are done.

Also Read: What is Tableau & Why Consider the Best Tableau Course Online?

21. What do you mean by aggregation and disaggregation of data?
Ans. Aggregation is the process of viewing measures or numeric quantities in a more summarized manner. When you enter a numeric value in the shelf, Tableau automatically aggregates the data, mostly by adding it up. Disaggregation is a completely opposite process where you can see all the rows of data, which helps you analyze measures that you might want to use dependently as well as independently.

22. What is the difference between a published data source and an embedded data source?
Ans. A published data source contains connection information that can be used by multiple workbooks as it is independent of any specific workbook. On the other hand, an embedded data source contains connection information that is related to a particular workbook.

23. What is forecasting in Tableau?
Ans. Forecasting is the process of predicting the future value of a measure, such as cost, rate, or other numerical quantities. Data analysts use different types of forecasting mechanisms. However, Tableau offers only one method for forecasting, which is the Exponential Forecasting Smoothing Algorithm.

24. What are some uses of the Tableau reporting tool?
Ans. With the Tableau Reporting tool, you can witness different types of data visualizations, such as understanding data trends, viewing data forecasts, and analyzing data at a granular level, etc.

25. What are Bins in Tableau?
Ans. Tableau Bins are containers that are equal in size and are used to store values that match the bin size. For example, if the ages of employees in a company vary between 20 to 65 years, they can use Tableau bins to examine how their employees’ age data breaks down based on different age groups.

26. What are the Quick Filters in Tableau?
Ans. The quick filters in Tableau are the filter options that are quickly available just by using the right-click. These filters help in restricting data based on dimensions or measures as required.

27. What are the different products offered by Tableau?
Ans. Tableau offers different products, including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Reader, Tableau Public, and Tableau Online.

Tableau Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Following are the top Tableau interview questions for experienced professionals:

28. What are the steps to view underlying SQL Queries in Tableau?
Ans. You can view underlying SQL queries in Tableau using any of the following options:

  • By creating a performance recording
  • By reviewing the Tableau desktop logs

29. How do you add custom color to Tableau?
Ans. To add custom color to a Tableau project, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Save your file in the format of .tps.
  • Restart your Tableau desktop.
  • Go to the Measures pane and select the color you want to add from ‘color.’ From the color legend menu, choose the ‘edit colors’ option. Pick your desired color and apply.

30. What different types of data can you put in the Tableau parameter?
Ans. Parameters in Tableau are the dynamic values that can replace constant values in a calculation field. In the Tableau parameter, you can put data like a range of values, a string with multiple texts, calculated fields, etc.

31. What is the difference between the discrete and continuous data of Tableau?
Ans. Discrete and Continuous are the two types of data roles in Tableau. The difference between the two is given below:

  • Discrete Data Roles: Points that are counted as separate and can only take specific values within a range.
  • Continuous Data Roles: These points can take any values within an infinite or finite interval.

32. How do you complete performance testing in Tableau?
Ans. Performance Testing is an important part of Tableau implementation. You can do it by loading Testing Tableau Server with TabJolt.

33. How can you remove the ‘All’ options from the Tableau auto-filter?
Ans. You can remove the ‘All’ option simply by clicking on the down arrow in the auto-filter heading. Scroll down, select ‘customize,’ and then uncheck the Show All Value attribute. To activate it again, you can just check it back.

34. What do you understand by Assume Referential Integrity?
Ans. The option ‘Assume referential Integrity’ is used to improve the query performance. On using this option, Tableau includes joined tables in the query only if fields in the view have specifically referenced it.

35. What is a blended axis?
Ans. A blended axis can be used to combine two measures that share the same axis on having the same scale. Instead of adding separate rows and columns to the view, you can blend measures to show all the values of each measure along a single continuous axis.

36. Mention different types of Tableau files.
Ans. Different types of Tableau files are as follows:

  • Bookmarks: It holds a single worksheet and provides an easy way to share your work.
  • Workbooks: These hold one or multiple dashboards or worksheets.
  • Data Extraction Files: The Extract files are the first local copy of a subset or of the whole original data.
  • Data Connection Files: These are small XML files having different connection information.
  • Packaged Workbooks: It has a workbook and any local supporting file data.

37. How do you embed web pages into Tableau dashboards?
Ans. You can easily embed the dashboards and views into your web pages, blogs, internet portals, etc. Moreover, embedding web pages into the Tableau dashboard is also possible by following these steps:

  • Go to your Tableau dashboard.
  • Under ‘Objects,’ find the ‘Webpage’ option.
  • Double-click on that to open the dialog box.
  • Paste the URL into that box and your page will be embedded in the dashboard.

38. Is Tableau good for strategic acquisition?
Ans. Yes, Tableau is definitely good for strategic acquisition. It gives you data insights to a better extent compared to the other visualization tools. Moreover, you can plan and improve your analysis process to provide better results to your company.

39. Can you install Tableau on MacOS?
Ans. Yes, you can install Tableau on Windows Operating System as well as on MacOS.

40. How many maximum rows can Tableau utilize at one time?
Ans. Tableau has not put any restrictions on the number of rows a table can contain. You can access any amount of rows and Tableau only retrieves the data that is required to answer your question.

Also Read: Learn Tableau Online From the Best Institution

41. What are some major challenges faced in Tableau?
Ans. Though Tableau is considered the best visualization tool today, users still face some challenges while working on it. Some common challenges faced by Tableau users include handling unlicensed servers, cookie restriction errors, troubleshooting trusted authentication, and VizQL server processes.

42. Explain the DRIVE Program Methodology.
Ans. The DRIVE Program methodology in Tableau aims to scale out self-service analytics. It works on the basis of best practices followed by successful enterprise deployments. This method relies on agile and iterative methods that are faster and more efficient than traditional time-consuming deployments.

43. When do you need to use the data blending concept?
Ans. Using the data blending concept becomes essential when there is a chance that multiple data sources contain relevant data you can combine to view and analyze. However, in the case of a single source, you can combine data using the data joining concept.

44. What do you know about the rank function in Tableau?
Ans. The ‘rank’ function in Tableau is to assign a position to an element within a category and on the basis of a measure. Tableau can rank things in multiple ways like rank, rank_modified, rank_dense, and rank_unique.

45. What is the LOD (Level of Detail) Expression?
Ans. You can use a Level of Detail Expression to run complex data queries that involve multiple dimensions of the level of a data source without the need to bring all the data to the Tableau interface.

46. How can you handle null and other special values?
Ans. Tableau cannot plot a field containing null values, zeroes, and negative values. To deal with this, you can click on the indicator shown by Tableau in the bottom right corner of the view. After clicking on it, you can choose one of these options:

  • Filter Data: It excludes null data.
  • Show Data at Default Position: It visualizes data by showing data points at a default location.

47. What steps will you follow to show region-wise sales and profit on Tableau?
Ans. To show region-wise sales and profits, you can simply drag profits and sales to the shelf named ‘rows’ and regions to the shelf named ‘columns.’ However, there is a better way to represent this data by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • To get the view of the State field, double-click on it.
  • Go to the Marks Card and then change the type of mark from Automatic to Map.
  • Drag the Region field to ‘Color’ on the Marks card.
  • Bring Sales, profit, and State fields to the label on Marks Card.

48. How do you make a longitude and latitude using Tableau?
Ans. With Tableau, you can easily get a longitude or latitude. You just need to drag and drop countries, cities, or locations for which you want to know the longitude or latitude. Once you place it, Tableau will automatically show the location on the map. Then on the tab ‘View Data,’ you can see all the longitudes and latitudes along with the country’s name.

49. What are Marks in Tableau?
Ans. With a marks card on Tableau, you can add details to a chart. It allows you to change the size of a line, give different colors to different categories, and edit the sizes of any bar or circle on the basis of a measure. You can also use a marks card to add labels to your chart and give more details to the view.

50. How can you clean up your data in Tableau?
Ans. To clean up your data in Tableau, you have to turn on the interpreter from the left panel once you connect to the data file. It removes unnecessary rows from the data sources in Tableau without changing the file, which the data is coming from.

51. How do you create stories on Tableau?
Ans. Here are the steps to build stories on Tableau:

  • Click on the tab ‘New Story.’
  • Choose a relevant size for your story from the lower-left corner of your screen. You can either choose one of the given sizes to enter a custom size.
  • The story automatically gets a title from its sheet’s title. If you wish to change it, just double-click on it, make the changes, and click on ‘Apply.’
  • You can now start creating your story by dragging a sheet from the Story tab and dropping it at the center of the view.
  • You can add a caption to summarize the concept of your story.

Tableau Course at Edvancer

You can learn Tableau at Edvancer, which is one of the top career-oriented education platforms in India. Edvancer offers one course in Tableau, which is named the ‘Certified Tableau Professional’ program. It is a short-term self-paced learning program that covers all the necessary topics and techniques you should learn under data visualization in Tableau.


1. Is there a future for Tableau?
Ans. Yes, Tableau definitely has a bright future. More than 63,000 organizations are already using Tableau for their data visualization needs and the number is counting every day.

2. Will Tableau replace Excel?
Ans. Though Tableau has many advantages over Excel, MS Excel still holds a good position in the list of best analytics tools. Most companies use Excel as well as Tableau for their data visualization needs. Excel is great for preparing data tables and making calculations whereas Tableau offers various advanced types of data visualizations.

3. What are the disadvantages of Tableau?
Ans. Some disadvantages of Tableau include the challenges faced by users in unlicensed servers, cookie restriction errors, troubleshooting trusted authentication, and VizQL server processes.

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